Mineral (Chromium)

Mineral (Chromium)

Who needs it ?

Chromium is involved in the structure of glucose tolerance factor (GTF) and thus balances blood glucose levels , helps reduce hunger and desire to eat sweet , prolongs life expectancy , stores DNA and RNA needed for good cardiac activity.

Signs of deficiency

Intense sweating , cold sweat ,dizziness and irritability after a 6-hour fasting period , often there is a need for cold hands , the need for a long sleep , drowsiness and flabbiness during the day, great thirst , the need for sweets.

How much?

No Adi (recommended daily intake)
OPN (optimal daily intake) 125 µg


Very large gap between safe and toxic dose . Chromium becomes toxic when the dose exceeds 1000 mg , which is five thousand times more than the recommended maximum dose of chromium.

Recommended Products

Baker's yeast (112 µg), wholemeal bread (42 µg), rye bread (30 µg), oysters (26 µg), potatoes (24 µg), wheat germ (23 µg), green peppers (19 µg), eggs (16 µg), chicken (15 µg), apples (14 µg), oil (13 µg), parsnips (13 µg), cornmeal (12 µg), Lamb (12 µg), Swiss cheese (11 µg).


Vitamin B3 and three amino acids - glycine , glutamic acid and cysteine - together participate in the synthesis of glucose tolerance factor (GTF).Chromium is helped by a full-fledged diet and exercise.


A lot of refined flour and sweets , obesity , preservatives in food , pesticides, petroleum products , processed foods, metals toxic.

Patrick Holford "the new bible of optimal nutrition", p. 483 -484 book publisher (Medical Research and Consulting Center)